ContraceptionPlanned pregnancies are happier, healthier pregnancies.
The contraceptive market currently has many options that can address every possible need the modern woman might have. The decision between permanent, long-acting but reversible and short-acting contraception as well as the choice between hormonal and non-hormonal methods should be discussed with your medical provider. Our practice provides counselling and prescriptions through annual gynae consultation. Insertion of contraceptive devices (Intra-uterine or subcutaneous) can also be done in rooms, but as a separate procedural consultation and only after an annual gynae consultation with contraceptive counselling has been done by Dr Hofmeyr herself. |
Cervical Cancer ScreeningThe Cervix is the bottom part of the uterus (womb) and is found in the upper vagina. Cervical cancer is a very common female cancer most prevalent in third-world countries with poor screening protocols. We determine cancer risk through clinical history, cervical cytology (Papanicolaou smear) and HPV testing. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is a sexually transmitted virus that is very common. There are more than 100 strains of this virus and nearly every sexually active male and female will be exposed to it at some stage of their lives.
During a papsmear, cells are taken from the opening of the cervix and examined under a microscope in a laboratory. The cells can also be tested for the presence of HPV, and high-risk strains can be identified. The practice makes use of liquid-based cytology for the Papanicolaou smear (Papsmear) which is sent to a local pathology laboratory for analysis. Results are usually available within a couple of days. It is very important for woman to have regular Papsmears in order to stop cervical disease before it progresses to cancer. |
Breast cancer screeningBreast cancer can occur in women of all ages. Your risk for breast cancer depends on your family history, smoking history and other lifestyle choices and reproductive history. Self-examination is the surest way to pick up any early signs of breast cancer. For women over 40, a mammogram and/or breast ultrasound should be done every year in addition to having a regular physical examination of the breasts and axilla (under the arms) in order to facilitate early detection and management of cancers.