No man is an island
In order to provide excellent clinical care, it is essential to work in close association with our gynaecology colleagues and other medical professionals in related fields. We are associated with a detailed network of professionals at Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital. If you have any provider preference, please bring it under our attention and we will try and honour your requests as far as possible.
ObstetriciansAlthough Dr Hofmeyr attempts to be available for all deliveries and emergencies, she cannot guarantee her presence at all times. Our practice functions in close association with 6 other obstetricians in Christiaan Barnard hospital. Female doctors cannot be guaranteed at delivery and if this is a strong requirement for you, please inform us at first contact so we can assist you in finding a different gynaecologist that can give you this guarantee. After-hours emergencies and deliveries are jointly covered by Dr Franelise Hofmeyr, Dr Elmarie Basson, Dr Catherine Elliott, Dr Davin Kaplan, Dr Peter de Jong, Dr Lynelle Kenneth and Dr Daniella Krick.
Paediatricians & NeonatologistsChristiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital offers excellent neonatal services through our paediatric and neonatologist run Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and high care. We work in association with Drs Alida Nel and Quanita Keeran (Neonatologists), as well as paediatric subspecialists and general paediatricians.
Please discuss any requests about using a birth photographer or doula with Dr Hofmeyr early in your pregnancy. The hospital allows members of the South African Birth Photographer's association and registered Doulas, but each case needs prior approval from hospital management.